Vincenzo La Rosa


The activities carried out in 2010-2012 represented the completion of the field activity in Ayia Triada started in 1977. All the area has been, in fact, thoroughly sounded and the new analytical drawing of all the structures, with the exception of the Villa, has been accomplished. Soundings in 2010 investigated the area to the North of Tholos B. Along the archaeological fence, they confirmed the lack of Minoan structures, and, on the contrary, the presence of evidence for at least 4 flood events, dating back to the Byzantine period. Byzantine strata were also identified just to the North of Tholos B testifying agricultural exploitation during the VII and VIII century A.D. Finally, to the North of the archaeological area and of the road to Kamilari, a long walls has been identified, which can be dated to the LM period due to its technique of construction and seems to be in relation with the Hieropotamos river. The 2011 Campaing concerned the area to the South of the ‘Case a Nord-Ovest del Bastione’. The most interesting results were the  identification of a MMII large dwelling group to the West of the ‘Bastione’ and a better phasing for the ‘Case a Nord Ovest del Bastione’, which can now be dated within the MMIIIA period. They were probably abandoned after an earthquake in MMIIIA. The 2012 campaign, finally, concentrated on the Casa del Lebete, especially room 9. The House was built at the beginning of LMIB, knew at least 3 phases, with rooms 7 and 8 being added in a second moment, and Room 9 at the end, and was burnt down by fire at the end of LM IB. It was partially reoccupied after the destruction of the Villa, while Room 9 was later used as an open air short living precinct. Room E overlapped Room 9 and part of Room 7 in LMIIIA1. The cleaning of Room 9 allowed to bring to light the original stepped floor, covered by white and red stucco, but its function remains not clear.

Parole chiave

Haghia Triada; Kamilari; Tholos B; Case a Ovest del Bastione; Casa del Lebete

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